The Green Man is a curious mythological symbol that appears throughout Europe, especially in the British Isles. Composed of a face made entirely of leaves or a face surrounded by leaves and "spewing" foliage from its mouth, it is thought to be the embodiment of eternal life, renewed life force, and growth emerging once again from death.
The Green Man is most commonly found in churches and cathedrals - high on capitals atop columns, in the roof bosses among the vaulting, and in the misericords of choir stalls. If you were to look for him, it wouldn’t take long to find him. He was such a popular figure in our culture that he eventually escaped his ecclesiastical origins - look for him in wrought iron gates and in the architecture of theatres and town halls: he is often found there.
Size (approximately): 13cm x 12cm x 3cm
Weight: 370g