Was considered to be as precious as gold in Christ’s time and was given to the baby Jesus along with gold and myrrh. The word frankincense comes from a 10th century French word meaning ‘luxuriant incense’.
Method : Steam distillation. In its natural state, the gum resembles whitish tears which leak from the bark.
Note Classification : Base
Scent : Warm, rich, leather with zesty top note
Colour : Pale yellow or pale green
Species : Boswellia carteri. Family Burseracea
Extracted From : Gum resin
Region : Oman.
Historical : One of the most treasured substances in the ancient world. Used for a long time as incense and aid to meditation as it slows down breathing.
Of Interest : Was considered to be as precious as gold in Christ’s time and was given to the baby Jesus along with gold and myrrh. The word frankincense comes from a 10th century French word meaning ‘luxuriant incense’.
Aromatherapy Properties : Blemishes, dry and mature complexions, scars, wounds, wrinkles. Asthma, bronchitis, catarrh, coughs, laryngitis.
Note Classification : Base
Scent : Warm, rich, leather with zesty top note
Colour : Pale yellow or pale green
Species : Boswellia carteri. Family Burseracea
Extracted From : Gum resin
Region : Oman.
Historical : One of the most treasured substances in the ancient world. Used for a long time as incense and aid to meditation as it slows down breathing.
Of Interest : Was considered to be as precious as gold in Christ’s time and was given to the baby Jesus along with gold and myrrh. The word frankincense comes from a 10th century French word meaning ‘luxuriant incense’.
Aromatherapy Properties : Blemishes, dry and mature complexions, scars, wounds, wrinkles. Asthma, bronchitis, catarrh, coughs, laryngitis.
Cystitis, period problems, colds, flu. Anxiety, nervous tension and stress related conditions.
Safety Data : Non-toxic, non-irritant, non-sensitizing.
Safety Data : Non-toxic, non-irritant, non-sensitizing.