Aromatherapy Properties : Asthma, bronchitis, catarrh, colds & flu. Dyspepsia. Acne, boils, corns, cuts, greasy skin, mouth ulcers, varicose veins, and warts. Arthritis, cellulitis, high blood pressure, obesity.
Name : Lime
Species : Citrus aurantifolia
Method : Cold pressed
Note Classification :Top
Scent : Sweet, citrus.
Colour : Pale yellow
Family: Rutaceae.
Extracted From :Peel.
Region : Mexico.
Of Interest :Lime essential oil is used as fragrance in soaps,cosmetics and perfumes .
Aromatherapy Properties : Asthma, bronchitis, catarrh, colds & flu. Dyspepsia.
Acne,boils, corns, cuts, greasy skin, mouth ulcers,varicose veins, and warts.
Arthritis, cellulitis, high blood pressure, obesity.
Blends Well With : Citronella, clary sage, lavender, neroli, rosemary,vanilla, ylang ylang, and other citrus oils.
Safety Data: Should not be used on skin prior to exposure to the sun or tanning lights. Non-toxic,
non-irritant, and non-sensitizing. Its use while pregnant is not recommended.