Aromafume incense diffuser has 14 incense bricks, a tea cup candle, a cork coaster for safe use and instructions.
The incense brick aromas will evaporate gradually by the warmth of the candel's flame in the diffuser. No smoke is produced, nor ash or any toxic substance. What is left is be a dry brick, that can be disposed of with the organic waste.
The 7 Chakra sample set contains 14 incense bricks, 2 for each chakra:
1e chakra: Muladhara - root chakra
2e chakra: Swadhistana - sacral chakra
3e chakra: Manipura - solar plexus chakra
4e chakra: Anahata - heart chakra
5e chakra: Vishudda - throat chakra
6e chakra: Ajna - third eye chakra
7e chakra: Sahasrara - crown chakra
How to use Aromafume Exotic Incense Diffuser and Incense Bricks?
The Exotic Incense Diffuser is specially designed to reach the adequate temperature for aroma diffusion of Aromafume Incense Bricks. Other apparatus are not suitable!
- Light candle. Place in Exotic Incense Diffuser.
- Place incense brick on copper plate.
- Allow candle to burn for 45-60 min. Diffuser will be hot, do not touch!
- Blow out candle and allow apparatus and brick to cool.
- Incense brick will turn deep black and hard on usage, it will not melt.
- Discard used brick with biodegradable waste