Although working slowly and gently, Calcite speeds up development and growth. Calcite ensures safety when journeying into expanded consciousness and the inner self. Calcite is an energy purifier and amplifier, great for distance healing.
Calcite removes stagnant energies, revitalising the body and the environment. It encourages calcium uptake in bones, but dissolves calcifications, strengthening the skeleton and joints. This crystal promotes inner peace and spiritual connection. It supports learning at every level, clarifying the mind and facilitating soul intention. This crystal promotes emotional intelligence, opening the heart to restore hope and inner serenity. It increases trust in yourself and others.
Orange calcite is great for balancing emotions, it removes fear and overcomes depression, dissolving problems and maximising potential. This crystal removes karmic hooks and memories of old abuse held in the sacral chakra, facilitating healing on all levels. It assists in integrating new insights and creativity into everyday life.
Size (approximately): 3.5cm
Weight: 63g