This mala bracelet can be used as a meditation tool; the thread has been knotted between each bead to allow you to move the beads easily through your fingers when using a mantra or simply counting your breath.
Twenty-Two 8mm BEADS
4 x Smoky Quartz
Detoxification, Endurance, Grounding, Organisation, Protection, Regeneration, Transformation, Transmuting Negative Energies
12 Lavakite
Cleansing, Grounding, Enhances Psychic Abilities, Grounding, Protection, Stimulates Inner Visions, Strong Connection to Earth/Nature
4 Lava Stones (for essential oils)
Calming, Grounding, Shedding Unneeded Layers of Emotional Attachment
2 Black Onyx
Balancing, Grounding, Making Wise Decisions, Protective, Self Confidence
Weight: 20g
Length: 22cm