It is a highly spiritual crystal that can gently open the crown chakra then link and attune it with the heart chakra. Danburite come in a range of colours (pink, yellow, white, lilac.) It can be used to heal the muscular structure of the body. It is strong, cleansing detoxifying and can help clear allergic conditions. It can help with sleeplessness when placed under the pillow and can help provide lucid dreams.
Pink Danburite opens the heart and encourages self-love. It can help you let go of fear and anxiety and aids grief. It is good for stress and worry and works well with Angel Phantom Quartz, Pink Tourmaline, Amblygonite, Rose Quartz, Morganite and Lilac Lepidolite.
This is for 1 crystal - colour / shape / weight will vary.
* Also available in varying sizes & prices - please contact us for details *